Furniture lifter

Although we have one of the best fleets of both the lifting of furniture removals sector in Madrid, and the rest of Spain. Machinery that allows us to handle any type of furniture, regardless of size or dimension, assuring our customers the absolute quiet that your belongings will not suffer any mishaps. Therefore elevators have rigid and flexible furniture that can adapt to any height or any location. Because we understand that quality of service removals or other locations should not be subject to the type of furniture moving object or location of the origin or destination.

And we just trust our furniture lift personnel in handling and manipulation. A staff that move to move the essences that have always been present in the history of Moving Sources: professionalism and efficiency.

Check their heavier furniture are transferred directly from the window of your home to truck transport, and conversely in the destination. All without any risk of accident or inappropriate rash, and without inconvenience to your neighbors who will not even notice the move.

We elevamuebles in all our offices: Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza...

Madrid: 91-690 22 50, Sevila: 954-32 49 63

Contact us, and without any commitment, receive a visit from one of our technical specialists that will make a detailed study of their needs, providing then an estimate based on them.